Should Commercial Restroom Walls Be Washed?

Should you wash the walls in a commercial restroom?

Let’s be honest…

Cleaning public restrooms is a not so pleasant job for many people. Most employees do a quick wipe down of the toilets, urinals and sinks.



Unfortunately, much of the bathroom stink & dirt build up is caused by the ‘pee splash” that gets on walls behind toilets & urinals. And because pretty much no one cleans those nasty lower walls and along edges & corners… restrooms get pretty funky pretty quick.

Personally I like to use an enzyme cleaner that cleans well, smells good and continues to clean the urine residues on a molecular level. All of which keeps your restrooms looking cleaner and smelling fresh, without using a ton of expensive deodorizers. 


Restroom Deep Cleaning service:

  • Wall to wall sweeping & vacuuming
  • Complete washing of all walls, partitions, dispensers, toilets, urinals, sinks, hand dryers, garbage cans and more
  • As needed, we remove rust, hardwater stains, “other” stains, and limescale where possible. 
  • All walls are treated with a high quality enzyme cleaner. This enzyme cleaners gets into the grout lines, gaps, corners, etc., to neutralize and remove bad smells caused by urine splash and other “elements” that are tracked in on people’s shoes. 
  • Machine scrubbing of all built up dirty areas and a complete scrubbing of the floor to restore it’s sharp clean surface.